Denbigh Christian Academy

Early Learning Center

Dot Collins Memorial Fund

Denbigh Christian Academy has served families on the Peninsula for decades with a Biblical world view approach.To assure the school’s future financial stability through the economy’s ups and downs, the DCA Dot Collins Memorial fund has been established through the Peninsula Community Foundation of Virginia.
Your financial support through a small monthly pledge or a one time donation would be greatly appreciated.

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Box Tops

Help support Denbigh Christian Academy by collecting Box Tops. Now it is even easier to with the new app called "Boxtops 4 Education" found in your favorite app store!


Please support your child’s school by using your Kroger loyalty card when you shop. Once you’ve designated DCA as the non-profit on your card, DCA will receive a percentage of your purchases. This is an easy way to help DCA raise funds.

Executive Director:
Linda Amiss                                                      
Office Staff:
Cordelia Hundley, Office Manager             
Janet Lord, Administrative Assistant          
Rebecca Renfrow, Bookkeeper                  
Harvey Hale 

5 year Kindergarten Teachers:
Lori Kessler                            
5 year Kindergarten Paraprofessional:
Gloria Nickelson                     
4 Year Kindergarten Teachers 
Erika Andino                           
Megan Marcoux                     
Tina Snethen                           
4 Year Kindergarten Paraprofessional:
Deborah Vassar                     
3 year Preschool Teachers:
Chicquita Batten                    
Carmen Perez                       
Migdalia Quinones                 
Deborah Young                      
3 year Paraprofessional:
Monica Battal                          
2 ½ year Preschool Teachers:
Diane Kroniess                         
Paula Dennis                          
2 year Preschool Teachers:
Jasmine Meyers                      
Patricia Johnson                      
2 year Paraprofessionals:
Mary Nelson                           
Robyn Seely