Lets get ready to see the lions and bears!
Parents, you will need to download the form HERE and return it to the main office before your child will be allowed to go on the field trip.
2nd Grade and Up:
August 14, Wednesday
Riverview Park, Newport News
Leave 9 am – return around 2 pm
$2, Bring bag lunch & bottle of water
with child’s name on them.
5K and 1st:
August 15, Thursday
Cooking Fun – DCA Premises
10:00 am
No cost, School lunch provided
August 16, Friday
Field Trip to Bounce House, Williamsburg.
Leave at 9:15 am – Return around 2:30 pm
Cost $12, Lunch included
August 21, Wednesday
UNO’s Pizza, Yorktown
Leave 8:30 am – Return around 12:30 pm
Cost $7 Each child makes their own pizza
Leave 8:30 am – Return around 1:30 pm
Cost $2, Bring a bag lunch and bottle of water
With child’s name on them.
August 23, Friday
Play Around Family Fun – Yorktown
Leave 9:30 am – Return around 2 pm
$11 includes mini-golf & laser tag
Bring bag lunch & bottle of water
Labeled with child’s name
August 30, Friday
End of Summer Party
12:00 Noon
DCA Premises
3 Year Preschool field trip to
Belmont Pumpkin Farm
155 Belmont Lane
Matthews, VA 23128
Leave: 9:30 am
Return: 1:30 pm
4K & 5K field trip to
Belmont Pumpkin Farm
155 Belmont Lane
Matthews, VA 23128
Leave: 9:15 am
Return: 1:30 pm